Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pinkie Update

This animal is testing the limits of my patience, but I guess she is worth it, correct? She is still not eating regularly. I had to force feed again tonight for the seventh time via a pinky pump. I have to say that without a pinky pump device, this little axanthic girl would be dead a long time ago. So for that I am thankful. I just want her to start eating normally. I snapped a quick pic of her tonight before she got blasted an emulsified pinkie into her gut. (Click on it to enlarge the photo)

Monday, March 07, 2011

Pinky Pump Update

So the little Martir Pinkie digested her meal of emulsified mouse baby via the Pinky Pump. This is the first normal crap she has taken. I will try to feed her again today a normal pinky and a scented one, if that doesn't work, she is gettin' pumped again tonight.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Pinkie Update

So I brought Mrs Pinkie Martir out of hibernation about a month ago. She has still been stubbornly refusing to eat on her own. So I force fed her a couple of mousetails and she digested those okay. The last two mousetails(out of six) she has regurged :( What to do. She is skating on thin ice. So I broke down today and bought the device I've never used and thought I would ever have to use on any kingsnake baby....the dreaded "Pinky Pump". It's so ironic that the device is named that and I have named the baby "Pinkie". Anyway, since I have never used this contraption before, I had to do a test run on a Juarez baby male from last year that ironically just started eating well. It's really a pain in the ass to use. I do have to admit though that it least so far. We'll see if both animals I used it on earlier tonight hold the emulsified pinkies down. I'm cautiously optimistic.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Microscope Power

So I just purchased an Omano OM118-B4 Microscope from plus their starter kit with prepared and blank slides, stain, book, etc. I feel i got a great deal. I'm excited to be able to see how fertile my male agalmas are this year and going forward into future years. Gone are the days where I keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best. I'm getting scientific about this now! This feels like being back in high school biology class. I can't wait.

P.S I'm lucky agalmas are not venomous or I would be dead a long time ago, LOL. I got tagged again tonight on the finger by a very hungry young adult male. It was my fault of course. I tried to pick him up and move him over the the paper towel on the other side of the cage and he was having none of it. As soon as I tried picking him up, he wheeled around and grabbed my finger(if only it was a mouse), little bastard! Oh well. The males have been fully heated up for a few days now. They are fully alert and waiting for that first meal.