Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pinkie/Lavender Martir Girl Update

Okay I will relent a little here on the naming of my little Martir Pinkie girl. Over at Kingsnake.com, a lot of people are saying that calling this girl "axanthic" is incorrect because axanthic means lacking yellow pigmentation. Okay okay I got it. She's not axanthic, but she is damn cool :) My guess is that this gene will prove to be a recessive one. Time will tell. Some are saying her color is more lavender than pink. I think it's a little of both. In any event, I have had her back for over a week now and she has eaten twice for me on scented pinkies. She has an awesome feeding response now once she gets the scent of that lizard scented pinkie. She rips that pinkie from the tongs. I love it. Here is a pic I just took of her tonight eating.

Monday, September 05, 2011

More Pics....

Axanthic "Pinkie" Martir Update

As of today, she has finally taken her first unscented pinkie and is well on her way to becoming a great addition to my collection. Here is the first high quality photo of her ever, compliments of Bob Hansen.

Sunday, September 04, 2011

2011 Baby Pictures......

I was lucky enough this morning to secure the services of good friend and excellent photographer Bob Hansen to take good quality photos of all the babies I still have left and some holdback animals. The results are already starting to trickle in from Bob as he sorts out the various pics. Here is a teaser....my best two hypo females from this year....

Friday, September 02, 2011

NARBC Anaheim Show

Just FYI....I'll be around all weekend at the big West Coast NARBC Anaheim Reptile Show with some babies on a table that I'm sharing with a friend. I hope to see everyone there.