Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Things Happening

I got a couple of updates for everyone. I woke up this morning to a clutch of four Martir eggs. Two are good. This is my first clutch ever of producing this locale. I'm excited.

Had another Juarez female drop seven eggs a few days ago, five which appear good.

Another female went 0 for 7. This was very disappointing. Another female went 4 for 7.

I should have another Juarez clutch laid by days end and one more Martir clutch in the next two weeks. Fun times.

****Evening update**********

A female Juarez just went 10 for 10 tonight! I am so stoked. So to recap, I have one female Martir that still has lay her eggs. The total number of eggs is 21 good out of 33 laid for a fertility % of 64%. Not bad. Always room for improvement. The male that I used with the female that went 0 for 7 will be put out to pasture next year.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

First Clutch Has Been Laid

I got seven eggs from my first female yesterday. Five are good and two are bad. I'm excited to see what will hatch from this breeding.

More good news to share. Both Martir females are heavily gravid. They are still a little on the small side, but I went ahead and bred them anyways. My fingers are crossed for this.

Three more Juarez line females are still due to lay in the next few weeks. Exciting times.