Monday, May 30, 2005

A New Truck And Trip Out To The Desert

After many years of service, I finally retired(sold) my 2000 Honda Civic. I went and bought a new Toyota Tacoma last week and I took it out for a spin last night in the desert. I almost hit for the rosy boa cycle. We saw three rosies in about two hours of cruising. One was from Yucca Valley, one near Whitewater, and another off Hwy 74. It was a fun night.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Breeding Success This Year !!!!

So far I have a total of ten good looking eggs from my baja light orange line zonatas. I can't wait to see what the babies will look like. I had been having fertility issues the past couple of years with these guys. I had a friend help me out with the hibernation of my females and male breeders. He has had alot of success in the past with breeding mountain kings. So if anyone is interrested in some hatchlings of these guys, please email me at and let me know.