Monday, May 08, 2006

Juarez Babies Expected This Year

I don't know what I did that made a big difference in my agalma fertility rate, but I must have done something right because this is my best year ever for eggs. I had four adult females breed and all of them have now laid their eggs. The last one just laid what appears to be seven good ones and one bad. I had another first year female holdback breeder give me seven out out seven fertile eggs. Another female laid a seven egg clutch with three duds and four good. The last female struck out and laid all bad eggs. I don't get this because of all my good luck with the other girls, but I'm not complaining. So right now I have eighteen Juarez stock good looking eggs incubating in Casa de Bartlett. Please email me if you have any interest at all in babies or some lone males adults. I have four of those for sale right now too.