Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Heat Is On......For Babies & Adults

Well I just turned the heat on tonight for all the adults. The babies got their heat a week ago. Everyone is doing great it appears. I lost two babies in hibernation due to mother nature. Oh well. I suppose it happens like that in the wild to. I'm always bummed when I lose a little guy or girl, but sometimes there is nothing you can do.

I've got my fingers crossed that it will be a good year. The het lavender Martir girl should produce this summer plus the regular Martir girl. I'll have five Juarez females that are ready and a San Jacinto zonata that I raised from a wild caught baby in 2007. This will be her first year.

The yearling lavender Martir girl is finally starting to grow a little, LOL. I'm hopeful I can keep her on a every three day feeding pace like she has been on for the last two months. My goal is to have her ready in three more years, sigh. You just can't rush this local of zonata in my experience. I wish I could. People are pounding down my door for babies. All I can say is just be patient.

I still have three 2010 male Juarez Agalmas available and four male 2011 Juarez babies. The price is $250 to $400 each. Email me if you have an interest and we can talk more.

I hope everyone has a great breeding season for your kingsnakes. Check back here often as I will be updating the blog more now that it is Spring.


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